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Strategy Consulting

Strategic planning Consulting

  • Strategic planning Consulting

    Strategic Planning is one of the 9 key components of Strategy Autonomy. The reason why we give this single component specific attention is because it is a common need and can be an effective entry point for fostering strategy autonomy throughout the organization.

    We enable our client to create and deploy their strategies instead of creating strategies for them though we do have essential expertise and know-how in some industries. We deeply believe that all the business leaders should be strategy experts and the creation of strategies can never be outsourced. We will never provide you with plausible insights and tricks for an exchange of trust since we do not believe a solution worked elsewhere can solve your problem.

    Sufficient exploration in strategy requires tremendous mental and physical attention, and it is more agonizing to finalize a practical short or long-term strategy. This is exactly what we can help you. However, you should know that it is your leadership team’s accountability to create the strategy for achieving the desired results. We are not helping you form a fancy strategy or a plan.

    There are two extreme approaches of creating and planning strategies, one is to hire a strategy-consulting firm and expect a perfect ready-to-be-implemented strategy while the other is to expect a practical strategy created by leaders who just completed a strategy training.
    Obviously, neither is advisable. First, new strategy is normally created at a pivotal point where all the outcomes and learnings achieved during implementing last-round strategy are pieced together and leveraged as the inputs and conditions to the present strategy. Therefore, each strategy cycle is actually a cycle of transforming organizational capacity to the next level.

    Second, asking leaders to create strategies without providing them with sufficient support results in receiving fake strategies or even non-sense. Such support includes consolidated industrial information and insights, critical data, aligned strategic language and methods, workable strategic tools and techniques.
    As business leaders, please Do Not see strategy as a burden and give this precious opportunity away, what you should do right is to enable all the people managers and key position holders to create their strategies interdependently. We name it Strategy Autonomy; it can create values for leveraging these transformation opportunities. Remember, just giving leaders the opportunities to create strategy is not real strategy autonomy.

    Fake strategy autonomy creates unstoppable nightmare in the organization. Unhealthy internal competition due to strengthened silos between functions or regions is the minimum harm; losing key talents and plunging business performance could be more severe consequences.
    We help business leaders foster strategy autonomy from finding the right entry point on the dichotomy formed by two extremes that builds a solid foundation for developing strategy culture, infrastructure and tools while creating and planning the present strategy. This process also develops a localized language of strategy across functions and regions, which ultimately builds the foundation for further strategic alignment.